International Online
Fellowship Program on Nonviolence and Peace – 2024 -2025
Program Modules
Course 1: Global sustainability challenges and response: an analysis
I Development– concept, models, objectives, critical assessment; lessons.
II Sustainability: Concept – sustainability; Factors – Socio economic and environmental; Indicators
– harmonizing self, society, life and nature.
III Appropriate system, structure and tools, Optimization of life.
IV Sustainability responses: individual, society, state and humanity; possibilities, strategies and good practices.
Reading List
E F Schumacher, Small Is Beautiful- Economics as if People mattered, Harper Collins .
J C Kumarappa, Economy of Permanence, A quest for a social order based on non-violence,
Sarva Seva Sangh Prakashan, Varanasi.
Board on Sustainable Development, National Research Council, Our Common Journey: A
Transition Toward Sustainability, National Academy Press, Washington D.C. 1999.
Jennifer Elliott, An Introduction to Sustainable Development. (4th Ed.) Routledge, London, 2012
Rogers, Peter P., Kazi F. Jalal, and John A. Boyd ,An Introduction to Sustainable Development
Routledge, London 2007.
Jeffrey D. Sachs, The Age of Sustainable Development, Columbia University Press, New York,
Wolfang Sachs, The Development Dictionary, Zed Books, 1992.
Jan Nederveen Pieterse , Development Theory: Deconstructions/Reconstructions. 2nd ed. Sage,
London, 2010.
Franco, Isabel B.; Tracey, James, “Community capacity-building for sustainable development:
Effectively striving towards achieving local community sustainability targets”, International
Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Vol. 20 No. 4, pp. 691-725, 2019.
Course 2: Fundamentals and dynamics of Gandhian nonviolence and peace
Philosophical base of Gandhian nonviolence and Peace:concept of „self‟ and the „other‟, human
nature and human perfectibility.
World view: Essential Unity of existence –interconnectedness and interdependence.
Truth: Its Centrality: Relative and Absolute, Correlation between Truth and Nonviolence –
Means and Ends.
II Nonviolence: Meaning, features, dimensions, types and organization.
Logic of nonviolence, futility of violence, power of nonviolence, Superiority and efficacy of
Nonviolence as a Cardinal Principle governing human relations and as a way of life.
Nonviolence as a means of socio-political and economic change
III Gandhian vision of Peace
Holistic and integral approach
Understanding Gandhi‟s Critique of contemporary Development model andWestern
IV Orientation towards Rural Life, Self-reliance, Bread Labour, Trusteeship for Management of
Wealth and Resources, Sarvodaya – an alternative socio-economic and political order
Gandhian life style and ethical way of living for achieving peace and harmony
Reading List
M K Gandhi, Sarvodaya ( The Welfare of All), Navajivan
M K Gandhi, India of My Dreams Navajivan
M. K. Gandhi, Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule ,Navajivan.
M. K. Gandhi, Trusteeship,Navajivan.
M K Gandhi, In Search of the Supreme ,Navajivan.
M K Gandhi, Non Violence in Peace and War,Navajivan.
RaghavanIyer (ed.)The Moral and Political Thought of Mahatma Gandhi, Clarendon Press
Louis Fischer,The Life of Mahatma Gandhi ,New York
Louis Fischer Gandhi: His Life and Message for the World ,New York
UntoTahtinen ,Ahimsa: Non-violence in Indian Tradition, Navajivan
V.K.Kool, The Psychology of Nonviolence and Aggression ,Palgrave Macmilan.
Robert L.Holmes and Barry L.Gan Nonviolence in Theory and Practice , Long Grove, IL,
Waveland Press.
Course 3: Application of Nonviolent Action and the Global Experience
The Philosophy and Sadhana of Satyagraha/ nonviolent direct action
Concept , Theory, Variants and techniques
Preparation, Preconditions, Strategy and operational forms
II Satyagraha and Passive Resistance
Satyagraha and Duragraha
Satyagraha and Democracy
III Civil Disobedience in Indian and Western Tradition
Satyagraha as weapon of Social Change and Revolution
Resistance and Reconstruction :Satyagraha and Constructive Work
IV Case studies of nonviolent resistances in different countries and situations –
satyagrahies/nonviolent fighters.
Satyagraha Struggles of Gandhi in South Africa and India
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and movement for Civil Rights
Nonviolent Action against Apartheid:Albert Luthuli, Nelson Mandela
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa
The Community of Ark of Lanza del Vasto
Dalai Lama
Reading List
M. K Gandhi, Non Violence in Peace and War, Navajivan
M K Gandhi, In Search of the Supreme ,Navajivan.
M K Gandhi,Satyagraha In South Africa, Navajivan
R.R.Diwakar ,The Saga of Satyagraha, Gandhi Peace Foundation,New Delhi
Johan Galtung , Dietrich Fischer Johan Galtung, A Pioneer of Peace Research SpringerBriefs
on Pioneers in Science and Practice, Volume 5, 2013.
Gene Sharp,The Politics of Nonviolent Action Part 1, 2, & 3 Porter Sargent, Boston.
Joan Valerie Bondurant Conquest of Violence: The Gandhian Philosophy of Conflict , Princeton
University Press.
Dennis Dalton Gandhi’s Power Nonviolence in Action ,Oxford India Paperback
Thomas Weber Conflict Resolution and Gandhian Ethics, Gandhi Peace Foundation, New Delhi 1991.
Peter Ackermanand Jack DuVall ,A Force More Powerful ,Palgrave Macmillan
Howard Clark, People Power: Unarmed Resistance and Global Solidarity, Pluto Press, London
Beck Sanderson Nonviolent Action Handbook, World Peace Communications, Goleta California.
Narayan Desai A Handbook for Satyagrahis, Gandhi Peace Foundation ,New Delhi.
Ackerman, Peter, and Christopher Kruegler Strategic Nonviolent Conflict: The Dynamics of People Power in the 20th Century, Praeger, Westport, CT l993.
Albert, David H.People Power: Applying Nonviolence Theory, New Society Publishers,
Philadelphia 1985.
Stephen Zunes, S. B.Asher, Lester Kurtz (eds.) Nonviolent Social Movements: A Geographical
Perspective, Blackwell, 1999.
Mary King ,Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr: the power of nonviolent action
,UNESCO, 1999.
The Dalai Lama, Book of Wisdom, Harper .
Siby K. Joseph, Lanza del Vasto : A Messenger of Peace, Gandhi International Editions ,
Carcassonne , France, 2018 .
Kurt Schock, “Nonviolent Action and Its Misconceptions: Insights for Social Scientists”, PS: Political Science and Politics, Vol. 36, No. 4 ,Oct., 2003, pp. 705-712 .
Vinay Lal , “Mandela, Luthuli, and Nonviolence in the South African Freedom Struggle”
Ufahamu: A Journal of African Studies, 38(1) 2014.
Lawrence Baldassaro ,”Peace Profile: Danilo Dolci “ Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice, Volume 27, 2015, Issue no.1,pp.100–107.
Course – 4 : Dealing with Conflict – Art of Conducting Conflict Creatively
Understanding Conflict: Meaning and types of conflict- conflict as an opportunity. Galtung‟s
ABC Conflict Triangle. Constructive and Destructive Conflicts- Five Conflict Styles (ThomasKilman). Distinction between conflict management, resolution and transformation
Causes of Conflict: Primordial paradox; Pairs of opposites; Frustration aggression hypothesis;
Denial and deprivation:; Conflict spiral /proliferation; Nonrealistic – ventilation; Conflict
catalysts; Social Deficit; Structural and systemic incongruity.
Sources: political – economic – environmental – historical – cultural – psychological
Conflict Activation – 1: Engaging conflict: Four „A‟ Method: Avoidance; Accommodation;
Analysis; and Activation.
Conflict transformation; perceptional shift; conflict optimization – dialogue, negotiation
(positions and interests- negotiating style – principled negotiation-
elements of Gandhian style negotiations- negotiating with difficult people), persuasion,
mediation (Types of Third Party Intervention – Mediation- prescriptive
vs. elicitive approaches); arbitration, judiciary intervention; passive resistance, nonviolent
resistance; Reconciliation- Truth, Justice, Mercy and Forgiveness
Activation – II: Constructive dissolution – Addressing socio economic and political deficiencies,
information gap, discrimination (gender etc.,), poverty, unemployment, HR denial…reforming
systems and structure.
Essential skills; commitment to fundamental principles, values and determined adherence to truth
and nonviolence, operational skill (information, communication, organization, persuasion…)
Reading List
Mark Jurgensmeyer , Fighting with Gandhi: A Step by Step Strategy for Resolving Everyday
Conflicts, Joanna Cotler Books, 1986
Randall Collins, Conflict Sociology: Toward an Explanatory Science, Academic Press, New
York ,1975
Johan Galtung , Peace by Peaceful Means, Sage, London, 1996
Johan Galtung ,Transcend and Transform: An Introduction to Conflict Work , Pluto Press ,
London ,2004
Johan Galtung, Conflict Transformation by Peaceful Means – The Transcend Method,
[Participants‟ Manual/Trainers‟ Manual], United Nations Disaster Management Training
Programme, 2000
Charles Webel and Johan Galtung (Edited) Handbook of Peace and Conflict Studies, Routledge,
NewYork ,2007
John Paul Lederach., The Little Book of Conflict Transformation, Good Books, New York, 2003
John Paul Lederach, The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace, Oxford, New
York 2005
Ronald J. Fisher Transforming Violent Conflicts, Syracuse University Press, 1997.
Heidi Burgess and Guy M. Burgess, eds., Encyclopedia of Conflict Resolution , ABC-CLIO,
Santa. Barbara 1997
Kevin Avruch and Christopher Mitchell (Edited) Conflict Resolution and Human Needs
Routledge, NewYork ,2013
John Burton Ed., Conflict: Human Needs Theory, The Macmillan Press, London, 1990
Hubert M. Blalock, Jr. Power and Conflict: Toward a General Theory, Sage, CA 1989 .
Raimo Varyman, New Directions in Conflict Theory: Conflict Resolution and Conflict
Transformation,Sage, London 1991.
Oliver Ramsbotham, Tom Woodhouse & Hugh Miall Contemporary Conflict Resolution Polity
Press, Cambridge 4th edition, 2016.
Schrock-Shenk, Carolyn. Ed. Mediation and Facilitation Training Manual: Foundations and
Skills for Constructive Conflict Transformation, Fourth edition, Mennonite Conciliation Service,
Akron, PA, 2000.